Hello, and welcome to my Blog!

I am so happy that you are taking the time to read this, I hope you have a wonderful day!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

My first Blog

Hello! Thank you for reading my blog! If you couldn't tell my little sister (whom on here I will call 'lil C') made this blog for me! She was bored and sick of reading other people's blogs and so she decided that I would be more interesting and not such a downer when it comes to writing my thoughts. Got to love little sisters!

I find myself surrounded by sisters! But to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way!

I love my Brother too! Even though he stands alone amongst us he stands strong and firm in the mist of us! He never backs down from what he believe's in so he's an amazing role model!

My parents should be accepted into saint hood! For real! How many people do you know could handle 9 kids, and soon to be 10 grandkids(tenth due in september!)! They are amazing examples of everything I want and hope to be!

I'm called Eeah and many other names as lil C has said on the main page some of my favorites are: Eeah (duh!), Head-o-Hair, Jolly Green Giant, Mufasa to name a few! random I know but I'm sure you can guess why i have some of them! ; )

Thats enough about me! I will close this post with a prayer, for a soldier who's name is Tyler. His mother came into my work today and left crying after I told her I would pray for him. He's in the Army and will soon be deployed to Afghanistan, Tyler and his loved one's need prayer so please remeber them in yours! Thank you!

My prayer for Tyler, -(For all those who serve)
Dear Lord, Please watch over and protect Tyler as he goes to defend our great nation, Please guide his every move and may he be a light the those around him, a shining example of you! Please be with his family too Lord, they are scared and need your comfort! Be with them I pray! Amen!